How To Dance With a Partner


July 2021

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Beginner Irish Set Dancing with Piper 6 of 6

Wed 21 Jul, 6-7 pm. Gainesville Irish Dancers Studio, 16 NW 7th Ave, Gainesville, 32601. Piper Call, 352-327-1090, Inisheer Irish Dance Company - [eventbrite][events]

Steps for sets.

In person. Wear face covering. Strongly recommend that you are vaccinated for COVID. Class size limited. Signature on Covid-19/Physical Injury Release Waiver required (at first class). We'll continue to follow COVID 19 developments closely. At this time things seem to be moving in a positive direction with vaccinations.

Space is limited to 8 students. (One "ticket" registers you for all 6 sessions)

Wear comfortable, smooth soled shoes and bring water bottle. No partner required.

Donation: $5 per class IF you are able - pay in cash at class

Instructor: Piper Call

Throughout the six sessions you'll learn:

The Connemara Set
The Antrim Square
The Merchant Set
Basic steps for sets: Lead around step, Advance & Retire, House, Swing
Dancing to different time signatures: Reels, Jigs, Hornpipes, Polkas
The Connemara Step
The Clare Step
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