A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving


March 2023

Friday 31 March 2023

Contra Dance Weekend with Diane Silver and Party of Three in Melrose

Fri 31 Mar to Sat 1 Apr, 7-10 pm. Dancing Fish, 24800 State Road 26, Melrose. events@dancingfish.dance. Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society - [dancingfish][events]

Friday 7-10 pm
Saturday 12-3 pm
Saturday 6-9 pm

Note: Single dances on weekends are $15 for adults, $30 for a weekend pass
Weekend dances are $7.50 for youth age 18-25, $15 for a weekend pass.
Children under 18 accompanied by adults are free.

This is a private residence so proof of vaccination is required for all in attendance, including children and spectators.
When booking:

You must first be fully vaccinated and registered on the website dancingfish.dance.

One ticket only (everyone makes their own booking).
Select your booking category and send your booking.
Pay for your booking using the Donate button on the website event page.
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