April 2020
Saturday 11 April 2020
Sat 11 Apr, 3-5 pm. Usually second Saturday of the month afternoon dance.
Join Hakim and friends for these simple, beloved dances celebrating many faiths. Live music always. Beginners welcomed. Bring friends. Free love offering.
A participatory spiritual event with singing and circle dancing for men and women. Come early to greet people.
Only Love is Flowing Here
The simple circle dances will be taught and everyone joins in. United Church of Gainesville, 1624 NW 5 Avenue, Gainesville, 32603. Nurallah, 352-262-3798, Hakim 352-235-6471, nurallah3@gmail.com, tomigreentree@gmail.com. Dances of Universal Peace - Gainesville - [FloridaDUP][events]