January 19, 2024
Lead and Follow Workshop and Book Signing on the ABCDs of How To Dance with a Partner with Andy
December 2022
Saturday 10 December 2022
Sat 10 Dec, 7 pm. Najmah Nour and Oralia are excited to present: Night on the Nile: Improv Edition. It has been almost three years since our last event. But we are back and ready to have a blast.
Want to Perform? There are 2 performance options:
Option 1-Dancers can choose their own song
Option 2-Join Najmah and Oralia and have a crazy wild time by just choosing a genre (Shaabi, Pop, Classic Egyptian, Fusion) and your lovely hosts will pull a random song out of the song jar for you to improvise to.
Event hosts, Najmah and Oralia are ready for a crazy wild time and will be choosing option 2, the random improv.
How to sign up:
1. If you would like to perform please let Najmah know through email najmahdance@gmail.com
2. Choose your genre or let us know you are bringing your own music (4 minutes or less please)
3. If signing up for the improv. option, please choose your genre you want to dance to from the following list:
- Shabbi
- Pop
... Blackadder Brewing Company, 618 NW 60 Street, Gainesville, 32607. Najmah Nour, najmahdance@gmail.com. Belly Dance with Leela - [more][facebook][events]