Congregation B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, Gainesville, 32605. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-3672, - [website][events][posts]
Israeli dancing for all ages, beginners encouraged. Great fun, nice people, beautiful music, good exercise. Make friends and enjoy Israeli culture.
There are good Israeli folk dancing opportunities in Gainesville for both circle and partner dances. Beginners are welcome and no partner is needed.
Israeli Folk Dancing at B'nai Israel
Join our Israeli Folk Dancing at B'nai Israel in Gainesville. The first part of the evening is for beginners. Afterwards, the dancing goes faster and is for more experienced dancers, though everyone is encouraged to participate. At the end of the evening, we do Israeli partner dances.
Now and then we run a beginner series for Israeli Folk Dancing for new dancers. This is a great time to start with other new dancers, all going at a slow, easy pace. Contact us to let us know you are interested.
Occasionally we bring in choreographers and well-known instructors for special workshops. Shlomo Bachar, Yoav Ashriel and Ira Weisburd have done Israeli folk dance workshops in Gainesville.
Get the Newsletter
Things can change at any time. Check the calendar and sign up for Israeli and Folk dance weekly newsletter on the home page, of to stay informed.
To see links to videos of Israeli circle and partner dance video as well as additional information, also see