A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving
<h4>January 19, 2024<br>Lead and Follow Workshop and Book Signing on the ABCDs of How To Dance with a Partner with Andy</h4>

January 19, 2024
Lead and Follow Workshop and Book Signing on the ABCDs of How To Dance with a Partner with Andy


July 2024

Tuesday 2 July 2024

West Coast Swing Social with Gainesville Westies and Sharrone Smith

Tue 2 Jul, 7-9 pm. Rosa B Williams Dance Center, 524 NW 1 Street, Gainesville, 32601. $10. Public - [facebook][events]

Come and dance the night away with us. We will have a surprise guest DJ for our next social dance. Ok it is Josh Angel. Guess I am not good at keeping surprises.

I will provide some light finger food and drinks in the room adjacent to the dance hall.

Please feel free to invite anyone who is not on the Gainesville Westie Facebook page.

Also do not forget that it is a good practice not to wear cologne, perfume, body spray as many people can be sensitive to this - especially when in close contact.

Cannot wait to see you all.
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